Auf den folgenden Seiten findest du alle verfügbaren Lyrics / Songtexte zu den Songs von Mike Oldfield.
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Obwohl Mike Oldfield eher der Instrumentalmusik zu geordnet wird, entstammen auch eine Menge Liedertexte seiner Feder.
- A Lover For All Seasons (Lyrics)
- Altered State (Lyrics)
- Alright Now (Lyrics)
- Amarok (Lyrics)
- Amarok (Lyrics)
- Amber Light (Lyrics)
- Balloons (Lyrics)
- Banquet On The Water (Lyrics)
- Bridge to Paradise (Lyrics)
- Celt (Lyrics)
- Chameleon (Lyrics)
- Children Of The Sun (Lyrics)
- Crime Of Passion (Lyrics)
- Crystal Gazing (Lyrics)
- Discovery (Lyrics)
- Don Alfonso – German Version…
- Don Alfonso (Lyrics)
- Family Man (Lyrics)
- Far Above The Clouds (Lyrics)
- Far Country (Lyrics)
- Finale (Lyrics)
- Flying Start (Lyrics)
- Foreign Affair (Lyrics)
- Froggy Went A-Courting (Lyrics)
- Gimme Back (Lyrics)
- Heaven’s Open (Lyrics)
- Hergest Ridge Part Two (Lyrics)
- Hiawatha’s Departure (Lyrics)
- Holy (Lyrics)
- Hostage (Lyrics)
- Hymn To Diana from Incantations Part 4…
- I Got Rhythm (Lyrics)
- In The Beginning (Lyrics)
- Incantations Part I (Lyrics)
- Incantations Part II (Lyrics)
- In High Places (Lyrics)
- Innocent (Lyrics)
- Into Wonderland (Sally) (Lyrics)
- Islands (Lyrics)
- Lady Mary (Lyrics)
- Liberation (Lyrics)
- Love In Ice Crystals (Lyrics)
- Magic Touch (Lyrics)
- Make Make (Lyrics)
- Man In The Rain (Lyrics)
- Man on the Rocks (Lyrics)
- Mastermind (Lyrics)
- Midsummer Night’s Happening…
- Mistake (Lyrics)
- Mister Shame (Lyrics)
- Midsummer Night’s Happening…
- Mistake (Lyrics)
- Mister Shame (Lyrics)
- Moonlight Shadow (Lyrics)
- No Dream (Lyrics)
- North Point (Lyrics)
- Nothing But (Lyrics)
- Ode To Cynthia (Lyrics)
- Ommadawn (Lyrics)
- On Horseback (Lyrics)
- Orabidoo (Lyrics)
- Pacha Mama (Lyrics)
- Peace On Earth (Lyrics)
- Pictures In The Dark (Lyrics)
- Platinum (Lyrics)
- Poison Arrows (Lyrics)
- Requiem For A City (Lyrics)
- Rite Of Man (Lyrics)
- Runaway Son (Lyrics)
- Sailing (Lyrics)
- Sally (Lyrics)
- Santa Maria (Lyrics)
- Saved by a Bell (Lyrics)
- See the Light (Lyrics)
- Sentinel (Lyrics)
- Shadow on the Wall (Lyrics)
- Sheba (Lyrics)
- Shine – extended version (Lyrics)
- Song of Hiawatha (Lyrics)
- Speak (Tho’ You Only Say Farewell)…
- Strangers (Lyrics)
- Sunlight Shining Through (Lyrics)
- Talk about your life (Lyrics)
- Tears of an Angel (Lyrics)
- The Bell (Lyrics)
- The Bell (Lyrics)
- The Bell (Lyrics)
- The Bell – German Version (Lyrics)
- The Bell (Lyrics)